Hello Readers,
Its atcumisachek ok. I love my ladies y`know ? Hehs. Tomorrow there will be dance practice at Woodlands CC. Tomorrow special sikit, we snap snap pictures alright. Btw to all ladies , tolong suroh our minzy baby untok go clinic please. Hahahah . Blang de narkmo malas malas. Mane ley gitu, and lastly Get well soon ayy Twinny? Makan obat you hari hari ehhhh! You tak makan obat, i smack bontot you eh! Yay , tomorrow i ley jumpe my ladies. Whoa , baru satu hari i da miss korang tao. Minzy, Eeqah, Wiwi, Amy. :) Hahah , yang laen please datang. I nak meet you all tao.
Iam impress yesterday dance practice ; amy and wiwi able to catch up the steps so fast. Weee ~ Minzy baby, didn't practice sebab de demam. At least she have the initiative to attend the practice tao. Hoho , plsplspls attend. I nak amik gambar nan you all tao. Hmhp. Ok, i da nak titow. Goodnight peoples! Love my ladies verybery much ~ mwaaaaaaaaaaaaahs!